Đèn Nice Nflash 280a Wireless

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Sản phẩm thương hiệu : NiceFoto

- Mã sản  phẩm : 280A

- Công suất : 280W

- GN : 36

- Multi time : 5,10,15,20,25 times

- Nhiệt độ màu :5500K±200K

- Tốc độ ăn đèn : FP-1/11000s, F2-1/9000s, F3-1/6000s, F4-1/4000s, F5-1/2000s

- Buzz : có 

Dùng trong  studio, strobit hay cưới

- Chụp chân dung hay ngoài trời đều rất tốt 

- Sản phẩm cao cấp , sử dụng Pin Lithium không cần dùng bình. Di chuyển nhẹ nhàng ,tiện lợi thoải mái, rất thích hợp chụp ngoại cảnh . 

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Về "Đèn Nice Nflash 280a Wireless"

NiceFoto n_flash 280A Wireless Studio Flash Kit for Photography Black



With the wireless studio flash, you don't need to take a heavy power pack with you for outdoor photography, it is so petite that it is just a light head. Moreover, there isn't any cables surround in the flash, it is really convenient. Besides outdoor photography, it is also convenient for studio photography. Let us imagine, with the flash, you just need to hold it on the light stand, no power cable which disturb you, or make you feel press, isn't it perfect?


NiceFoto n flash 480A Wireless Studio Flash Black

NiceFoto n flash 280A Wireless Studio Flash Black

NiceFoto n flash 280A Wireless Studio Flash Black

NiceFoto n flash 280A Wireless Studio Flash Black


<p style=" original=" http:="" img.linkdelight.com="" productmedia="" 140122251w="" eb="" 140122251w_new_show09.jpg"="" src="http://img.linkdelight.com/productmedia/140122251W/eb/140122251W_new_show09.jpg">NiceFoto n flash 280A Wireless Studio Flash Black

NiceFoto n flash 280A Wireless Studio Flash Black

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