Tag: Atomos Cable Connect



  • Converts SDI Input to HDMI Output
  • SDI Loop Output
  • Supports 1080p30/25 & 1080i60/50
  • Test Pattern Generator
  • Audio Test Tone
  • Flashlight Mode
  • Pulldown Removal / Insertion
  • Powers by Included Figure-of-8 Cable
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Mua lẻ: 08686.717.37 - Mua sỉ, dự án: 094.9999.600 - Hotline: 0868601169

  • Hàng chính hãng, bảo hành toàn quốc
  • Giao hàng ngay (nội thành TP.HCM)
  • Giao hàng COD toàn quốc
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The Atomos Connect-AC S2H Converter with AC Cable converts an SDI signal to an HDMI output and SDI loop output, supporting resolutions up to 1080i60/50, including 1080p30/25. The device also features a test pattern generator, audio test tone, flashlight mode for use in dark locations, and performs pulldown removal and insertion. 

A figure-of-8 AC cable is included for power. You can use the converter table-top or rack-mounted in an optional Atomos Connect-AC Rack-Mount Kit, which can hold four units.

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